Become a Member
Qualifications for becoming a member at Whitton Avenue Bible Church include:
- A believer in Jesus Christ
- Gives evidence of regeneration (being born again)
- Has been baptized in obedience to Christ following his or her regeneration
- Agrees that the Member’s Statement of Faith sufficiently summarizes one’s own doctrine
- Promises to, with God’s help, keep the commitments expressed in the Church’s Covenant
The steps to becoming a member include:
- Attend a membership classes
- Be interviewed by an elder
- Complete our Abuse Risk Reduction Policy training and criminal background check
- Write your testimony to be shared with congregation during a Sunday worship service
Attend our membership classes to learn more about the church’s mission, distinctives, and beliefs. This is probably the best place to find out if Whitton Avenue is a good fit for you.
Attending does not commit you to becoming a member, but it is required for those who want to become members.