Visit on Sunday

Sunday Gatherings

Visit us at 9:00am for our adult classes. Classes end at 10:00am and we enjoy cold brew, iced tea, and hot coffee before our worship service.

Worship Service starts at 10:30am in the Main Auditorium.

Kid’s Ministry

9am Sunday School

  • Includes:
    • Nursery: Birth-23 months
    • Toddlers: 2-3 year olds
    • Sunday School: Preschool through 5th grade
    • Youth Group: 6th grade and up

10:30am Kids Classes (Kids are dismissed after worship)

  • Includes:
    • Nursery: Birth-23 months
    • Toddlers: 2-3 year olds
    • Kid’s Class: 4-6 year olds
*Additional details regarding sign-in procedures and room numbers will be emailed to parents. If you have questions, please email

See Campus Map below for specific locations

What to Expect during the Worship Service

Our worship service begins at 10:30am in the Main Auditorium and typically lasts until 12:00pm.

You will be welcomed and greeted in the entryway and shown around – we have great cold brew from a local roasters as well as iced tea and hot coffee in our dining hall. 

We begin our service with a call to worship and sing theologically-rich, contemporary worship songs, led by our worship team.

Normally, following worship through song, children are dismissed for Kids Classes.  We will kneel for a time of congregational prayer and then listen to the expositional preaching of God’s Word– which takes central role in our worship service.

Following the sermon, we respond by taking the Lord’s Supper (Communion) together, and end with a closing song and time of commissioning.

We enjoy visiting with one another both before and after the service, so feel free to either come early or stick around after the service so we can get to know you!


Map & Driving Directions

 2601 E. Whitton Avenue
 Phoenix, AZ 85016