Use your gifts and your time for the flourishing of your community. Help with communion, kids, facilities, events, Gospel Community leadership, and more.
“ . . . the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Matthew 20:28 (ESV)
The Christian life is one of service. Jesus set the ultimate example of how we are to serve – willingly, gladly and sacrificially.
As followers of Jesus, we believe that we are all called to serve others using the gifts God has given us, reaching in to serve our congregation, and reaching out to proclaim and portray the gospel of Jesus to our broader neighborhood. We also believe that life change and growth happens in the context of meaningful relationships, and serving others gives us opportunities to develop such relationships.
Your gifts and passions can make a major difference in our community. Whether you prefer to be upfront and directly interact with people or work behind the scenes, there’s an opportunity for everyone to serve.
If there is a specific ministry you would like to serve in please reach out to the deacon over that ministry or to one of the pastors.